100 x 60 cm.
Bertolt Brecht:
This is all there is, and it’s
not enough.
It might do to let you know I’m hanging on.
I’m like that man who
carried a brick around with him
To show the world what his house used to look
The Wall Series is glass panels cast in the shape of very old brick
walls, some of them with graf ti. The concept of walls and homes is common to
cultures across the world. This series is a continuation of my Home series.
My works have been addressing houses that once
existed or could have existed; conceptual homes forever lost, whose contents
roll from place to place with their bearers. In an era of globalization, the
conceptual home exists as a reminder of the concrete world of the past. My work
employs basic archetypal substances, engaging with the narrative of the
material: the massive walls and the fragile glass.
In the act of remembrance, consciousness
confronts that which was and no longer is, but has left only a trace. The space
transpiring between the perception of the home and its memory, the imaginary
space extending in the individual’s mind, consisting of memory fragments, reality
and imagination, re ect the personality of the individual bearing them.
Graf ti
on old walls is a record of non-formal history. Version of history, echoing the
pulsating heart of the street and the faceless, nameless people.